A son is forever.

The Gospel of Luke 15:11–32 tells a parable that Jesus tells to His listeners. Today, as I was about to go to sleep, I felt an urge to sit there and worship for a moment, and I obeyed. Starting this year, one mantra that I live by is “Thou shall not postpone promptings.” Promptings aside,Continue reading “A son is forever.”

Look from where you’ve fallen.

Dear Christian, Has it occurred to you that this short holiday has had you drifting farther from your Christian life, living for God? We all have backslid; do you remember the last time you had your Quiet Time? Have you sat down and read your Bible? Or, have you listened to any message that is supposedContinue reading “Look from where you’ve fallen.”

To Each A Gift

Lest we forget, God equipped us with distinct spiritual gifts before we inhaled our first breath. He formed each of us in our mother’s womb, and He knows every intricate detail of our being. And, He made us to operate in a certain way, so that others will be blessed and encouraged by our contribution.Continue reading “To Each A Gift”

Gifts On Loan.

We all have things we can do without struggle, things we love to do, with our hands, and body. Some of us are good public speakers, we can get a hall full of humans to listen attentively to what we have to say, whatever it is. Others can dance, break bones in the process. OthersContinue reading “Gifts On Loan.”

It is all in your head.

Some trust in chariots, others in their possessions, I don’t know what you trust in, but I trust in God, my Lord. It is one thing to know and another to believe. But both of them would birth trust. Here’s a case, you have read your Bible, or someone has read it to you, orContinue reading “It is all in your head.”

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